No-Show / Cancellation Policy
Failure to cancel your appointment at least 48 hours in advance, may result in 50% of the scheduled appointment service fee if the slot remains open, which will be processed on the credit card retained on file.
Failure to cancel your appointment at least 24 hours in advance, or failure to show up to your scheduled appointment, may result in a charge of 100% of the appointment service fee if the slot remains open, which will be processed on the credit card retained on file.
If you need to reschedule because you are not feeling well or have COVID-19 related symptoms, please contact as soon as possible to reschedule. There will be no fee charged for cancellation due to illness.
According to Minnesota State regulations, massage therapy services are subject to sales tax. However, if a written and signed note from your health care provider is presented proving massage therapy is essential to your care and medical needs, sales tax can be waived.
Bring your health care note to your next appointment!
If this is your first visit ever, new client consent forms must be filled out prior to treatment.
Forms include: Health History and Consent, Cupping Release, Minor Consent if applicable
Attached below to print and fill out before first appointment or please arrive 5-10 minutes early to your appointment to fill them out then.
New Client Forms
Minor Consent Form
Flex Wellness welcomes clients of all ages. If your child would benefit from bodywork therapy, we request you come with to their first appointment consultation and to sign a minor consent to service form.
Feel free to contact for more information.
Bill of Rights
Per the State of Minnesota, this Bill of Rights form is to be given for review to all clients.