Reformer Pilates | Danielle

Mat Pilates | Danielle

Guided Somatic Breath Work | Jen

Sound Journey | Jill

Community Acupuncture | Dr. Sonja

  • Coming Soon

  • Coming Soon

  • Coming Soon

  • Coming Soon

Yoga Classes | April

  • 60 Minutes

  • $22

  • Click Here to Register


    Classes to Choose From:

    5:30pm - Guided Vinyasa: Guided Vinyasa is a dynamic yoga practice that is designed to harmoniously link breath and movement. Lead by experienced instructors, this class offers continuous guidance, empowering students to flow seamlessly through creative sequencing with a variety of poses. Embrace the challenge as you build inner heat and strength, enhancing both physical vitality and mental clarity. Students are welcome to bring a towel for personal use. Join us and discover the joy of moving with intention.

    6:45pm - Yin: Yin yoga class consists of long-held, passive postures, primarily practiced on the floor, that will stretch connective tissue deep within the body. This practice creates greater mobility in the body. Though this is considered a slow and gentle class, it is not without challenge. You will build mental resiliency as are guided through postures that will challenge the calmness of your mind.

  • Questions?

    April Conniff

    (612) 946-8484

Mobility Classes - Coming Soon